Friday, February 2, 2007

Starter Question

Please respond to the following question:

Why are things that are dangerous to try more exciting to accomplish?


crogers said...

I think dangerous thing are more fun to complete because after you are done you feel relief. There is a greater feeling when you complete harder things and dangers make it harder. I definitely think that dangerous things and more fun to complete through personal experience.

ewroten said...

2/5/07 Edward Wroten

Many people love to do something that is hard and dangerous other than something very simple. This is because it helps them prove that they are physically capable of doing something dangerous. Many people also love the recondition of doing something dangerous.

ewroten said...

2/5/07 Edward Wroten

Many people love to do something that is hard and dangerous other than something very simple. This is because it helps them prove that they are physically capable of doing something dangerous. Many people also love the recondition of doing something dangerous.

ansmith said...

Drew Smith

Things are more exciting to accomplish when they are dangerous because they pose a challenge that few people can resist. Then when you accomplish it you feel stronger both mentally and physically. Plus when you overcome it you look better in the eyes of others and people respect you more.

ewroten said...
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sraj said...

February 5, 2007
Suyash Raj

I think that the reason that dangerous things are exiting to us is because for us, as humans we want what we have to work to get. These people want a good hard challenge. With this in mind, I think that Everest is exactly what these people want, a challenge. I also think that this challenge also becomes a dream. This dream can become an obsession to some people. But, in the end, it is the dangerous that things like Everest that gives us the drive.

Trooney said...

February 5, 2007
Tommy Rooney

I think dangerous things are more exciting to accomplish because people want to have the pride knowing they have done something that others have tried and failed. People want to be able to tell terrific stories about how they barely escaped some dangerous threat. Most of all people who try to tackle dangerous things want to become known by all and become a famous celebrity.

oqayum said...

The main reason that trying dangerous things is more exiting to accomplish for people is because us, in the human nature, always want to accomplish something that challenges us. If a person has two ways to go, one easy and the other more challenging, they might go the more challenging way in order to gain “pride” about their accomplishment. In the case of mountain climbing, a climber would probably go climb the hardest mountain just to have the glory of accomplishing a dangerous feat.

aputnam said...
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suylee said...
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aputnam said...

I think that the more dangerous something is, there is more of a thrill when you complete the task. Also, something that is dangerous is usually also very physically demanding, so there is even more of a thrill to complete the adventure. If something is easy and safe, it’s not as exciting as you would like it to be.

February 5, 2007

Philip Arnold said...

Things that are more difficult to complete are more appealing to more people because of many reason. If you complete a very difficult task you are personally rewarded. Also people get a rush of adrenaline. It is very appealing to many because of many different reasons that make people do seemingly insane challenges, like climbing mountains.

chcatsavis said...

Things that are dangerous are more fulfilling to accomplish because the pose more of a challenge. If something was easy you wouldn’t want to do it because it anyone could. After you complete something dangerous or hard you feel accomplished and relived that you have done. Also when you succeed at the challenge you feel driven and it will inspire you to do something else brave and exciting.

suylee said...

Things that are more dangerous to try are more exciting because it is more challenging and gives you something to accomplish. If something you are doing is really easy, you wouldn’t feel as happy because since it was easy, there was no challenge to it. In the book Into Thin Air there are many struggles to climbing the mountain such as the harsh weather and the horrible temperatures. There is fierce snow brushing off your face, it indeed is a challenge, but imagine, if you accomplished this task wouldn’t you feel happy? What would change if you climbed a mountain without any challenges and a mountain that had challenges? Perseverance, courage, and determination are what you need to accomplish something easy or hard.

hnori said...

Things that are dangerous are more exciting to accomplish because of the risk. Like Omar said, people would get a sense of pride in taking the risky way, because a number of things could go wrong. People get exited when a risky thing is accomplished, because they proved their bravery and their courage in taking a risky way. I disagree with Ed (ewroten) in saying that people not only want to prove they are physically capable but mentally capable as well. A dangerous thing would be not only be physically challenging but mentally challenging as well. In short, doing a dangerous thing would be a lot more exiting because people want to prove that they are up for it.

pmonterubio said...

Parker Monterubio February 5, 2007

When you try to accomplish something hard and dangerous you feel a much greater thrill and excitement. When you try something easy you won’t feel not nearly as much of a excitement when it’s easy. Also, when it is dangerous you have a risk of getting hurt or even killed so trying to avoid events like that gives a huge thrill.

copalmer said...

Things that are dangerous to try are more fulfilling when you accomplish them than if you accomplished something that was easy. It is a better feeling when you worked to achieve something, rather than just achieving it easily without trying. I agree with Suyash when he says that dreams of people help them pursue something that is dangerous and a challenge to accomplish. I believe that some people crave adrenaline, which helps them push themselves to their limits. Many people are pushed to their limits from their dreams and aspirations to get to the top of the world in Into thin Air.

hakre said...

The more dangerous something is the more it makes you want to try it. Once you try it and complete that task that was so dangerous it gives you an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Not only did you accomplish what you set out to accomplish, but you have just finished something dangerous, which makes it that much better.

matt tao said...

February 5, 2007

People are driven towards dangerous things because once you accomplish it there is a good sensation inside of you because not many people would try it, in this case Mt. Everest because of its dangerous obstacles that can kill you. Also dangerous things are full of obstacles and adventures so it would keep it exciting to accomplish. Also people are driven to dangerous things like Mt. Everest because after completing it you can get a lot of fame/recognition from around the world.

cleonard said...

I think Harsha's comment about the risks and rewards of a dangerous activity are dead-on. My husband and I were talking the other night about why CEO's, CFO's, Platform directors, and leaders in general are so highly compensated compared to their employees. It is wrong to say that their work is more difficult or more important than most others, but the difference is the risks these higher level officers assume. They simply have more at risk perhaps because of an actual capital investment (perhaps through stocks or an initial buy-in) and because they have the responsibility of the final say. They risk losing everything, but they can also reap the rewards of success more fully. I think this same risk-reward mentality pushes so many Type-A folks (like Beck Weathers) up Everest.

sraj said...

I think that all of us have a piece to the answer to this problem. Matt said that when you compete something that is dangerous, you get a sense of pride. He also said that the obstacles keep your goal exiting to get to. I agree with him on that. I agree with Harsha that it is the risk that drives us. I think that it was our nature to be attracted to things that are not within our reach, and and to open our boundaries.

Katherine Lin said...

Dangerous things are probably more exciting to accomplish because not everyone can accomplish them, so people are respected more if they accomplish something dangerous instead of something easy. I also agree with Hannah, who said that accomplishing dangerous things give a great sense of accomplishment that can’t be obtained by doing an easy thing. Maybe there is more to gain in doing something dangerous rather than something easy.

Gowri said...

I agree that people are respected more when they accomplish dangerous things. I think they enjoy the attention and fame of having survived through something that many others have tried but failed. I think that many people also like the thrill and adrenaline rush of doing something really dangerous. I also agree with Hannah about the sense of accomplishment that can't be achieved by doing something easy and safe.

mtownsley said...

I think that dangerous things are more fun to complete because you feel more accomplished than if you had completed an easy task. You will probably get more of a thrill and feel better about yourelf if you accomplish something that not everybody can do.

mtownsley said...

I think that dangerous things are more fun to complete because you feel more accomplished than if you had completed an easy task. You will probably get more of a thrill and feel better about yourelf if you accomplish something that not everybody can do.

RyanLee said...

When you achieve something that is hard or difficult, you are normally able to understand things in the world around you better. For instance, when you climb a mountain and reach the top, you learn necessary things needed to know for when you climb another mountain. This can also be applied to school work. For example, when you are given a tough problem in math, and you solve it, you have learned skills that will come in handy for the next problem that you face.

Ali Dalton said...

Personally, I think that things that are more dangerous to try are more exciting to accomplish because of the thrill, pride, and risk factors. To be able to say that you have done something as dangerous as climbing Mount Everest comes with an extreme amount of respect and in some cases praise. Also, the thrill and risk that comes from more dangerous things makes the end goal even more appealing. All of these factors create a greater amount of excitement, and in the end, make accomplishing the dangerous thing even better.

ogeorge said...

I think that the more difficult the obstacle the more rewarding the completion is. For example if you complete an easy task or over come an easy obsatcle than the less proud and feeling of accomplish there is. Don't get me wrong though, you still will fell accomplishment but not as much as to completing something where you life is at stake. When you complete a very dificult task then you have a huge sense of pride and glory. when you do this you feel like you want to tell everyone and get congradulations for it. But when you do something easy than you aren't as proud of you self and you don't really have the feeling to tell everone of you completion.

M. Kim said...

It is human nature that people seek things which seem impossible to achieve or possess. People think that dangerous things are more exciting and fun to do because a completing an dangerous adventure gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride, plus an adrenaline rush. I also believe that some people do dangerous things for the thrills and the publicity that come with it. It goes both ways for a dangerous adventure: if you succeed, you’ll be a hero, if you fail, you’ll be hailed as a fallen hero. This is why things that are dangerous look more appealing in our eyes.

mhermann said...

Things that are dangerous to try are more exciting to accomplish because you are pushing yourself harder. And when you accomplish something that is harder it feels greater. It bigger than if actually is and you get that feeling “oh, I can’t believe I accomplished that, it was so hard!” And you feel better about yourself. And when you challenge yourself its more exciting because you get that feeling of excitement that you did it.

Anonymous said...

I think things that are dangerous are more exciting for a couple reasons. One is that there is a sense of risk that is involved. It's like riding a roller coaster, whenever you go upside down or make a sharp turn, it feels like you could fall out, but you do it anyway for the thrill. Another reason dangerous things are more exciting to accomplish is because of pride. When you complete a task (such as summiting Mt. Everest) it gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that you were able to do something that others couldn't.